SmartThings makes it easy to connect the things in your physical world to the Internet. You can monitor, control, automate, and have fun with them from anywhere - at home, office, or on the go.
We've made it possible to install apps that interact with your SmartThings, as well as online and other services. This unlocks a world of possibilities and and unlimited potential to make your life easier, more convenient and fun.
We call these SmartApps.

SmartApps are able to mash up and interact with connected things in your physical world, as well as online and other services, allowing for incredible creativity.
Get notified immediately if your pet runs out of your yard without you with the "Oh No, My Pet Is Loose!" SmartApp.
Get an early warning or directly contact a plumber when there is a leak somewhere (bathroom, basement), before damage gets out of hand with the “It’s Leaking!” SmartApp.
Monitor drawers and cabinets that contain precious or dangerous items with the "My Stuff is Secure" SmartApp.
Brighten, dim, or flicker the lights when you get another fan or follower on social networks with the “Buzz Barometer" SmartApp.

Even more SmartApps...

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- Posted using my iPhone 4
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